Thursday, August 20, 2009

Scribbler on the Roof

Thank you Knife for my first ever blog award – The Superior Scribbler award! This award is a creation of The Scholastic Scribe.

I’ve been blogging for quite some time now…will complete 2 years in December. But I've never got any awards. It didn’t bother me a bit because I blogged mostly for my own entertainment & because I love to write (Most bloggers ARE aspiring authors, afterall. The ones that are not think of blogging as a waste of time!) The best thing about blogging is that you can get published!

Now that I’ve got my first blogger award, I’m super excited, like a kid that gets a candy when he least expected it!

So, first the rules:

  1. Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
  2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
  3. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
  4. Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
  5. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.


Moving on...Here is my list of the people I'd want to pass this award to. A couple of these people don’t blog anymore (for whatever reason) but they deserve it nonetheless.

Moonshine of ibelieve – I’m proud to claim that I got her initiated into blogging because SHE IS DOWNRIGHT FUNNY! And a friend to boot. I enjoy reading her posts tremendously. These days though she has been blogging with reduced frequency (and she has her excuses in place :). I literally wait for her to post!

Mumbai Diva…Dipika Singh…whatever you want to call her! She’s not a “friend” as such, as in I’ve never met her or spoken to her personally. I stumbled across her blog on one of those days when I had way too much time on my hands than I could kill. I simply love the way she writes. Extremely eloquent & fluid in her writings. She’s from Delhi but she loves Bombay too!

Ashwin of Chaos Chronicles – What can I say, he’s a crazy guy! And random...very very random. Ashwin, if you do still blog somewhere…anywhere…even if you blog only about chainsaws, dark comic strips & demented video games, please pick this up. And give me your URL while you’re at it!

Staarin – Well, she got me initiated into blogging. I’m not sure she blogs anymore but she had a long-running one. If you're still out there chica, pick it up!

Moksh Juneja – Now, this one’s still a blogger...and a celebrity blogger at that! Other bloggers have asked me whether I know Moksh Juneja? When I’ve replied in the affirmative, I’ve been asked “THE Moksh Juneja”? Yes lovelies, "THE" Moksh Juneja. There's one for you, Moxi!

So pick it up & pass it on, party people! And thanks a lot to the people who read me :)


Kalyan Karmakar said...

thanks for making me smile on drab days with your tongue in cheek posts

Scarlett said...

@The Knife - Any time! I can do it 'on demand' as well :)

Moonshine said...


Congratulations!!! And thank you.. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy again!!! :)

Scarlett said...

@Moonshine - Congratulations to you too :)

Magical Homes said...

congratulations..... :)

and a huge thank you.I felt a warm, happy feeling creeping up on me while reading what you'd written about my blog :)

....will be putting it up shortly.

Scarlett said...

@Mumbai Diva - You're most welcome. I hope the warm, happy feeling came on a cloudy day :)

I started thinking about this after I started reading your blog -all of us have read random blogs of unknown people from time to time. Some blogs you just can't identify with, but there are some which you love to read even if you don't know the blogger...maybe it's b/c of the content, the language, the style of writing...I don't know. Your blog is one that I really enjoy reading even though I don't know you personally.