Monday, November 5, 2007

The anatomy of a show

There are quite a few things I want to write about today...women's moodswings (believe me they are terrible), Sunday evening blues (Oh God!) etc. but I'd rather not start my Monday morning on a depressing note. Mondays are the toughest days of the week to get through as it is. So, I'll start my week writing about something happy and droolworthy such as the men in Grey's Anatomy.

For the uninitiated, Grey's Anatomy is a medical drama that's in its fourth season in the United States and only two seasons have been aired in India so far (which by the way, is sheer injustice in itself). Apart from a fabulous medical background, it's got lots of emotions, drama, humor, romance, friendship, betrayal, sarcasm etc. But the best thing that it's got are the hot McDelicious men!! McLickable, McYumm, McGorgeous...whatever you wanna call them.

So there's McDreamy. Oh, there's McDreamy! And McDreamy he is (

He's also known as Patrick Dempsey among people who watch him for his acting ability and not for his droolworthy looks alone. He's always got that dreamy, far-away look in his eyes. Especially when he looks at Meredith Grey. So I don't quite blame Meredith for not being able to break away from him even though he is married. Nope, I don't blame her at all! I don't know why I didn't know he existed before I started watching Grey's Anatomy. Anyway, now I know there's a man called Dr McDreamy and it's all good :)

Then there's McSteamy. Or Dr Mark Sloan. The man who slept with McDreamy's McHot wife Dr Addison Montgomery-Shephard. Not fair...McHot wife gets to sleep with McDreamy AND McSteamy. Like...McHumpff!!

This guy, who's also known as Eric Dane ( is straight out of Greek mythology. The chiselled cheekbones, sharp nose, green eyes kinds. I can totally imagine him in a war movie like Gladiator or 300 or Troy. And that would also mean getting a liberal dose of McSteamy in McLittle clothes, so no woman will have any reason to complain! :)

Then there's Dr Burke. Dr Preston Burke. He's sharp, focused, no-nonsense and the best cardio-thoracic surgeon in the country (well, according to the show at least), which makes him a very eligible man for any woman. He's a little obsessed with cleanliness and orderliness but he's allowed that one idiosyncracy for being such a desirable man.

So many hot men in a single show....sigh! Can the producers of the show please also add a disclaimer before the start of the show that says "The men being depicted in this show are purely fictional and ideal. They bear no resemblance to the men you see around you. Such men do NOT exist in real life, so please do NOT expect your McBoyfriend or McHusband to be anything like them".


Serendipity said...

Woo hoo! another Greys anatomy fan. Mc dreamy is so hot he ought to be outlawed from television and movies and do world tours where women just get to ogle at him (etc!)

I totally know what you mean about Monday morning blues, they are Mc. Sucky. Weekends are such a therapeutic break from the drudgery that is the routine of going to work and back tat its horrid it gets over so soon. :(

Scarlett said...

I would be willing to pay a lot of money to ogle at McDreamy. How can a hot guy like him not be more McFamous?? I am baffled! :)

PS: You know how idiotic we sound drooling over Grey's Anatomy, dont u?