Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Festival of lights

Diwali is right around the corner but the excitement isn't palpable like it is every year. I've been trying to get myself in the festive mood by dressing up to work in bright traditional wear for the past two days, but it's difficult to get excited about something when people around you aren't.

There are no decorations on the streets, no bright colored kandeels (paper lanterns) hanging from the windows of peoples' homes, and no celebrations. People are working like it's the busiest time of year (whereas the opposite is true of the Diwali season). They're walking around the streets like there's no reason to rejoice. The happiness and bonhomie that generally accompany Diwali is completely missing! All I see around is indifferent faces.

I wonder what the reason for this is? Is it that we are getting so pulled down by the ever-growing demands of our lives that we have no time to even feel happy? Is living in this big bustling metropolis of ours that we lovingly call aamchi Mumbai actually draining us of all energy and joy?

Many people do not celebrate Diwali because they wish not to burn crackers. But crackers isn't all there is to Diwali! Isn't Diwali also about lighting up our homes, spending time with the people we love, celebrating the good things we have in our lives & being grateful for them, and spreading warmth & happiness? In fact, I believe Diwali is mainly about these things and more!
We don't need crackers to feel happy.

I hope we don't let the spirit of Diwali die. I hope we don't let happiness leave us for good...because there is no other way to live than to be happy. Happy Diwali!!

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