Thursday, February 21, 2008

I object!

My exact thought at precisely this moment - I think it's completely unfair that women double-over in pain every month and are still expected to be just as efficient at work as men, while men walk around yelling "We're better than you!"


Unknown said...

I understand this feeling...There’s nothing that burns me more than being underestimated. I am not vindictive but I believe the best revenge is success in the face of doubt. The best revenge is rising above and gracefully proving someone wrong.

Uncertain said...

Its not like I have been branded an MCP for the first time for making a statement such as the one to follow

This is such an escapist way of dumping inadequacies on medical problems! Men aren't superior. Period. Not all men, at least. You think men don't have problems? Before you jump, I am not refering to any anatomical ones. We take care of those by "strutting our stuff", as someone mentioned recently.

I request all women to stop playing the helpless and "ablaa". You are right, when you say that "Oh! You can't even imagine!!!". But men have to deal with issues too. And we do not cry foul and sulk by the seaside.