Friday, January 23, 2009

From New Zealand

I was watching a show called 'Footloose' last night on Travel & Living. They were showcasing New Zealand, and guess who was taking the host & crew of the show around? None other than the Prime Minister of New Zealand herself!!

Can you beat that? She went rafting with them, mountain-climbing, bungee-jumping, camping, took them to meet the Maoris. She was with them for 5 days straight!

Yes, we're talking about the Prime F***ing Minister of New Zealand. She really must not have much work to do! After all, how difficult can it get managing a country where the sheep population outnumbers the human population 10:1?

Let's move to New Zealand!!


Psyched said...

day one: four blogs... and to say we got three days more to go...

Way to go...

Scarlett said...

You counted wrong. 6 blogs :)

Moonshine said...

Which population do you wanna increase? :)

Scarlett said...

Sheep? Can our body hair be used as wool? Given that we get it sheared every month? Haha! Gross, isn't it? :)

Moonshine said...

Extremely gross!!!!!!